Ope...a Life


Cure hiccups by getting a glass of water and a pen or pencil. Place the pen or pencil inside your mouth and lightly bite down on it. Drink the glass of water.


Scientists Discover a 'Phonetic Alphabet' Used by Sperm Whales, Moving One Step Closer to Decoding Their Chatter

Researchers used artificial intelligence to spot patterns in recordings of the marine mammals' vocalizations, uncovering the "building blocks of whale language”"


Still using Google for search? Get an AI/ad/knowledge panel -free version of search results by adding &udm=14 to your search. Wanna get verbatim search results? Throw &tbs=li:1 into your search to get rid of the fuzzy logic. This doubleplus groovy Google search is here.


Watch 'Alone Together,' A 4-Part Remote Series Read By 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' Actors In Character.


Dutch painter, Hieronymus Bosch's triptych, Garden of Earthly Delights (Museo del Prado site here. NTR site here.) is "probably the most famous scene of the underworld in all Western art". Amelia Hamrick has transcribed the demonic derriere ditty:

Luke and I were looking at Hieronymus Bosch’s painting The Garden of Earthly Delights and discovered, much to our amusement, music written upon the posterior of one of the many tortured denizens of the rightmost panel of the painting which is intended to represent Hell. I decided to transcribe it into modern notation, assuming the second line of the staff is C, as is common for chants of this era.

so yes this is LITERALLY the 600-years-old butt song from hell

Hear Amelia's rendition on her site. Hear a Gregorian chant version from wellmanicuredman. Hear Jim Spalink's rendition on the lute, harp, and hurdy-gurdy here.


Odonata Central ... Xerces ... Dragonfly Society of the Americas ... Dragonfly ID App


Pee Wee Herman Crack Cocaine PSA


Have you hugged your local furry lately?

First the furry community donates lots of money to save a library from a bigot. Now they hack the Heritage Foundation, a group spearheading Project 2025.


According to The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, I live in only one of four counties in Oregon with no Bigfoot sightings.



Public domain image search engine.


Study details ‘transformative’ results from L.A. pilot that guaranteed families $1,000 a month


Guano Islands Act

The "guano mania" of the 1850s led to high prices in an oligopolistic market, government attempts to control prices, fear of resource exhaustion, and eventually the enactment of the Guano Islands Act of 1856 in August 1856.

The Act authorizes U.S. citizens to take possession of unclaimed islands containing guano for the U.S., empowered the President to protect such claims with military intervention, and established jurisdiction of criminal offenses under the laws of the United States within the territories thus claimed.


The Scale of Life. Scroll down to the "Hidden realities of life" section.

caveat lector