Ope...a Life

backyard # earworm # explore # library # love # mn # nifty # ope # theWisdomOfLordsOfAcid ### by date


Evidence of little mole friends.

Four pics of the backyard at night, taken five monutes apart, showing a mole digging up the yard.


We need to start loving.

- Elizabeth Thomas, Alabama Is Generating Billions by Trapping People in Prison


Feel the rhythm. Feel the soul.

- Take Control by Lords of Acid


Two dragonfly friends! (Very fast!)


I have a sneaking suspicion that this is how most library staff would like to go.


Close up of the book Kaiju PReservation Society by John Scalzi while the movie Army of Darkness plays in the background.


Stacy standing on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean and taking a picture.


Chapters 10, 11, and 12 of The Gospel According to Matthew completed.


Love is the answer.

- Rough Sex by Lords of Acid


Unicon 21. Unicycling World Convention and Championships in Bemidji.


Cat sitting with back to big window overlooking the backyard.


The Scale of Life. Scroll down to the "Hidden realities of life" section.


Guano Islands Act

The "guano mania" of the 1850s led to high prices in an oligopolistic market, government attempts to control prices, fear of resource exhaustion, and eventually the enactment of the Guano Islands Act of 1856 in August 1856.

The Act authorizes U.S. citizens to take possession of unclaimed islands containing guano for the U.S., empowered the President to protect such claims with military intervention, and established jurisdiction of criminal offenses under the laws of the United States within the territories thus claimed.


Someday Baby by R.L. Burnside.


The Shakopee Mdewakanton are the wealthiest Native American tribe, going by the individual's personal wealth. There are 480 members, and each member gets around $84,000 per month, as disclosed by a tribe member going through a divorce.

- The 10 Richest Native American Tribes In 2023


Study details ‘transformative’ results from L.A. pilot that guaranteed families $1,000 a month


Dusk at a beach on the Pacific Ocean on the Oregon coast. Two bonfires surrounded by people.


Public domain image search engine.


How do people without an internal monologue (and here-ish) experience contempt, anxiety and self-loathing?


The Olympic Peninsula

Hurricane Ridge

Looking up a mountain. Conifers with multiple shades of green. Yellow and Purple wild flowers. Part of a landslide.

Hoh Rain Forest

Winding two-lane road with giant, moss covered conifers rising up into the fog.

Lake Cushman

Lake Cushman surrounded by conifer mountains as seen from a picnic area.


Feline friend (with cow coloring) patroling at night.


Hay by Crucial Conflict.


Hummingbird friend playing in the spray while I water the yard. (Hard to see our little friend, look for a quick darting movmement in the center of the video...they blend in with the spray very well.)


If I've learned anything in the last half century of sucking air on this spinning rock, it's that wearing pants is for suckers.



Stout Memorial Grove in Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park.

Wife standing by large vertical stick stuck in the ground surrounded by redwoods with sunlight streaming through the tree crowns.

Big Tree.

Big tree down.
Wife standing thirty feet away extending hands above head unable to touch the top of a fallen redwood trunk.

Getting there is half the fun.


Close the library.


Stretching deer.


Defecating deer.


Bug. Most romantic movie ever?


Attack of the Ghost Riders by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour.


According to The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, I live in only one of four counties in Oregon with no Bigfoot sightings.



It's all lies! They've been doing it for decades! Don't drink the Kool-Aid, folks! They're just trying to divide us!


I'd just woken up, so I went to go do the first thing I do every morning: blearily make my way to the railing at the top of the stairs to yell, "Love!" to my wife. This particular morning, as I rested my hands on the railing, I felt my right hand brush something off of it. I was still more asleep than awake and barely registered it except to think, wouldn't it be funny if that was a spider.

I yelled, "Love!" My wife yelled, "Love!" back.

With my day started properly I shuffled off to the bathroom to do bathroom-type things. As I sat down on the porcelain throne, I noticed a black blur out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see a mouse spider crawl under the door and into the bathroom. It stopped, turned toward me, and ran.

"Bro!" I said.

It stopped and said, "Sup!"

I said, "You did not just crawl under the bathroom door to come at me!"

It replied, "You did not just knock me off that railing!"

"Bruh," I insisted. "I was asleep! I didn't know you were there!"

"Well that makes it all okay then doesn't it," it sassed, slowly crawling toward me.

"Bruh!" I reiterated.

"Bruv!" It replied, stopping again. "You done fucked around now you're gonna find out!" It ran toward me again.

"Not cool!" I replied. "I got my drawers down over here trying to take a dump!"

"Like a bitchass chump," it said, still coming at me.

"Stop!" I yelled, standing up. "Don't start nuthin, won't be nuthin!"

"Big talk," it said, then stopped right in front of me. It focused all eight of its eyes on my private parts and continued, "for a little man."

"You little fucker!" I said as he closed the gap between us.

"Is that what your wife calls it?"

I grabbed the box of tissues from the top of the toilet tank behind me and brought it down right on top of it. I lifted the box and saw the the spider's legs begin to curl up. It's eyes focused on me briefly, so I said, "Bitch, please," then saw eight points of light fade into darkness.


This entry is dedicated to the man with his hand down the back of his pants....like, way down...asking, at the reference desk, how to delete his download history on the public access computers.


She's My Baby by Mazzy Star.


Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey promises to ban no-knock warrants, then promises to restrict them, then Minneapolis police murder Amir Locke using a no-knock warrant. (archive)

Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey calls people who work from home losers (archive), then claims it was a joke.


Have you hugged your local furry lately?

First the furry community donates lots of money to save a library from a bigot. Now they hack the Heritage Foundation, a group spearheading Project 2025.


Wife wearing oversized red flower sunglasses wrapped up in a rainbow blanket over a rainbow sweater. She's standing on a deck and the sun is setting behind her over the Pacific Ocean.


Beautiful white cat looking all beautiful.


We got to let love rule.

- Lenny Kravitz, Let Love Rule


Glory Box by Portishead.


Four miles per hour.


Baby mothman.

Moth flattened out on a window with the backyard as a background.


She's Not There by YONAKA.


Traffic on the coast. Summertime.


Corvid friend.

caveat lector