Ope...a Life


Two enormous HVAC units sit on pallets outside the library. They'll be installed on the roof tomorrow. Two maintenance workers roll a large cart filled with HVAC parts around the library, looking for a place to stash it for tomorrow's installation.

"Why don't we just put it in there?" asks the first maintenance worker, nodding toward the study rooms. "We'll ask if it's okay."

The second maintenenace worker glances at the study room and hesitates.

The first maintenance worker asks, "Afraid it'll be stolen?"

The second maintenance worker looks to the first maintenance worker and says, "I'm afraid someone will pee on it or something."


Bill the Cat saying Ack! Readers' Advisory!

How to find new books to read:


This entry is dedicated to the man with his hand down the back of his pants....like, way down...asking, at the reference desk, how to delete his download history on the public access computers.


Close the library.


I have a sneaking suspicion that this is how most library staff would like to go.

caveat lector